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Tools for Teams and training network

The Tools4Teams project aims to contribute to safer and more effective care by studying the innovative tools that teams need to perform optimally in complex healthcare situations.

Effective patient care relies on effective teamwork by healthcare professionals. In this context, the Horizon 2020 Tools4Teams project will study the innovative tools that teams need to increase their situational awareness of and responsiveness to complex healthcare situations. Both in centralised acute care settings and in decentralised chronic care settings there is an urgent need to deeper understand team performance. The information will be applied in the design and implementation of innovative tools in training and real-time application. To train the next generation of entrepreneurial, collaborative experts, Tools4Teams will bring together expertise from social and technical sciences, human-centred design, education, and clinical specialties alongside non-academic partners. Do you want to know more?


New Publication by Tools4Teams PIs on Behavioral sciences applied to acute care teams.

We are thrilled to share a paper titled “Behavioral sciences applied to acute care teams: a research agenda for the years ahead by European research network”. 

This work represents the dedication of a cross-European interdisciplinary network of researchers from social sciences as well as from the medical field. Through their collaborative effort, they aimed at defining knowledge gaps, shaping the way forward for future research in this area. 

We look forward to future collaborations and advancements in applied health research. Stay tuned for more updates!  

Upcoming Events

Tools4Teams Spring School in Bonn, Germany
June 26-28, 2024

The Tools4Teams Spring School will take place in Bonn, Germany in June 2024.  This training will include lectures related to developing, using and evaluating tools in support teamwork research, training, and practice. The key topic will be Technology Enhanced Simulation.